Monday 7 November 2011

Quote of the day

Joy is most dear to me, and the other day her and I were in the theatre to see a piece called 'SOlens Børn' - which played at Aarhus Teater - 'touch' the titel of today to go to www.

Anyway Joyful Joy, said - and sorry folk - this just ain as funny when translated in to english - so the Danish version goes:

"Man er vel en cirkushest!"

and she couldn't be more right - I don't know what led to that remark - simply don't remember - but funny it was (oh english is... "Well we are circus horses are we not!" - don't know how else to translate it - sorry folks! :)

Enjoy your week:) and the weather - love the fall!!!

love, Julie

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How to connect the art scenes...

We, who are a part of Filomusi Productions, wish to expand the art scene of Aarhus and connect despite of genres? And as we might have some ideas it is commonly known that 2 brains think better than one, so we are always keen to hear about ideas that can help us connect. If you're out there and have an idea as to how music, theater, videography, dance, art and poetry can become one, write us and we will take it in to consideration on our next board meeting.

Thank You