Friday, 20 May 2011

NABO at Klematis

A lot has happened since NABO took it's first step in the window of Sofie last september. as you all know we performed at varios homes, in different livingrooms all over Århus. It was amazing to experience so much joy and openness towards modern dance.

We are so lucky to have support from the Art Counsel, witch makes it possible for NABO to show five free performances again in Århus.

NABO went out to a garden and performed in a warm and kreative envioment of a 40th birthsday. While we danced, for the first time on grass, the sun set and created the most romantic and loving atmosphere. Pictures will be up soon.

Last week we changed the setting and visit the company Klematis by Claus Dalby and Jaume .... We performed in the top floor, where the big and welcomming office is located. This time there was on CDshelf to take care, no couch, no expensive statue. There was tables, sharp edges, expensive computers, books, and two big loving dogs to be aware of. It was a new experience to performe for people while they were working, and though the company did not have the poeibility to invite their neighbours, they invited the painters who are painting the house, the gardeners, the cleaning lady and the SKORSTENSFEJER, and everyone els who happened to cross the path of this warm welcoming place with it's beautiful garden. It was a great experience, and I dearly hope to be able to perform in the beautiful garden on day.

Next week we are taking another new challenge on. We are going to perform in a church. The holy place. I look forward to see what it will be like, and hope that many of the churches neighbours will be there..

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How to connect the art scenes...

We, who are a part of Filomusi Productions, wish to expand the art scene of Aarhus and connect despite of genres? And as we might have some ideas it is commonly known that 2 brains think better than one, so we are always keen to hear about ideas that can help us connect. If you're out there and have an idea as to how music, theater, videography, dance, art and poetry can become one, write us and we will take it in to consideration on our next board meeting.

Thank You