Wednesday 9 November 2011

It's been a while.

Since I last attended a Yoga class with that much focus. I had since NY and even during my last few months in NY, not been able to find a Yoga Teacher as good as the one I had at Dance New Amsterdam. Her name was Constanza and she was disciplined and focused - a real Yogi you might say. Or delete the 'might' cause a real Yogi she was and still is.

Sometimes you have a teacher who inspire you to come to classes, and to be the best self you can be in those classes. Sometimes you have a teacher that brings you places, other teachers haven't been able to. And sometimes you have a teacher who makes you loose track of time and just focus on what you are learning, that be in this case breathing and doing your poses correctly.
And she is such a teacher. For readers in NY, go to Om Factory NYC at , 265 West 37th Street. But only if you're serious and want to improve with all that implies.

Now this could be a somewhat sad message, if however, I still hadn't found a teacher as committed to the task of teaching Yoga as Constanza, but this Tuesday I did, and in my gym! - back here in Ã…rhus, DK!
I was recommended this class by a dance colleague and thought well yoga in a gym, I might as well try...
And I was happy to learn that here as another committed teacher. This was a yoga class I could feel on my body and in my mind instantly. Aaaah how I love those. a quiet mind is a great sign.
And I therefor recommend everyone to come to SATS in Aarhus on Tuesday mornings, cause there Ashtanga yoga is what Ashtanga yoga is supposed to be.

So I guess you could call this 'AN ODE TO GREAT YOGA TEACHERS' or 'Thank you Constanza and Mira!'

I hope you are all having wonderful classes, moving, feeling, sensing and loving out there.

Love, Julie

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How to connect the art scenes...

We, who are a part of Filomusi Productions, wish to expand the art scene of Aarhus and connect despite of genres? And as we might have some ideas it is commonly known that 2 brains think better than one, so we are always keen to hear about ideas that can help us connect. If you're out there and have an idea as to how music, theater, videography, dance, art and poetry can become one, write us and we will take it in to consideration on our next board meeting.

Thank You