Wednesday, 21 March 2012

These days are...

... Quite busy!!!
And ain't that just amazing!!!
I mean, I've been in this city for 2 years now and man what years they've been.
It is correct that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, which is why I can honestly say - that even though this year started out at the hospital - I feel truly blessed.
Everyday when coming home from work I feel so amazingly lucky cause I absolutely LOOOOOVE MYYYY JOOOOOB!!!!!!!

I teach at a theatre which, beyond being a producing theatre, also have a school teaching dance and theatre to young adults and kids.

This is where I back in 2010 was as lucky as to meet Iben Rønn Cristensen who later became my director in our performance "27" a performance we, meaning Helene Brøndsted, Iben and myself will on April 2nd pick up and make into a full-night performance. Can't wait. At Filuren I also am as lucky as to teach a modern class for 13+ which makes me sit here with a huge smile on my face as I just got back one hour ago - they are so talented and amazing these kids and well HUGE SMILE ON MY FACE:)

Moreover I am working on getting our performance NABO, sold to companies around Denmark with a team-building workshop attached to it. It is great fun - so if you out there should be as lucky as to know a company you think might buy it, either call me at 50.280.242 or mail me at - promise you that your colleagues, employers and your self will all have a great time!!!  

On Thursday I taught a workshop/audition for aspiring choreographers in a choreography competition called Make Your Move press the title of today for more news. the take-of is on April 1st and I can't wait. !!! This I am sure there will be more about in the month to come!!!

And as the international day of dance is approaching I will be touring the country teaching this' years dance to scholars in the weeks of 16 and 17.

oh and did someone mention the Philippines???
Well more of that after Sunday;)
So much is happening at filomusi productions and I much say - these days I am pretty happy and very grateful for my life!!!

Please enjoy the sun and take great care of your selves:)

Love, Julie

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How to connect the art scenes...

We, who are a part of Filomusi Productions, wish to expand the art scene of Aarhus and connect despite of genres? And as we might have some ideas it is commonly known that 2 brains think better than one, so we are always keen to hear about ideas that can help us connect. If you're out there and have an idea as to how music, theater, videography, dance, art and poetry can become one, write us and we will take it in to consideration on our next board meeting.

Thank You