Saturday, 16 June 2012

Welcome Simon

Simon is Back in Aarhus, after a tour in Cuba and one in Amsterdam, he will be close by for the next few months, helping with the funding for some of our upcoming projects. One being 'You, me and the rest of us'.
And what great news that is - Simon is educated from School of performing arts in Copenhagen, and I have cherished him as a friend and colleague since our first production together back in March 2010 (the Sleeping Man).
He is dedicated, focused, disciplined, fun, has an amazing technique, innovative, creative and well an amazing friend and colleague and... I could go on. All this is some of the reasons why I, when deciding to get a partner in the spring, thought of him first and I was truly happy when he accepted the offer.
For a few months now he has been touring the world with other performances, but as soon as we kick in the doors to season 2012/2013, he will be part of the managing staff,  as well as still being a dancer, in some of my productions. - I can't wait:)
So welcome Simon, you are amazing and I am looking forward to our coming partnership.

Hope all of you out there are enjoying your weekends,

Love, Julie

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How to connect the art scenes...

We, who are a part of Filomusi Productions, wish to expand the art scene of Aarhus and connect despite of genres? And as we might have some ideas it is commonly known that 2 brains think better than one, so we are always keen to hear about ideas that can help us connect. If you're out there and have an idea as to how music, theater, videography, dance, art and poetry can become one, write us and we will take it in to consideration on our next board meeting.

Thank You